Mukhyamantri Swarozgar Yojana - Shri Dilip Ji Verma
Brief introduction of the beneficiary:
Name of the beneficiary – Mr. Dilip Verma Mo- 09926527135
Father’s Name- Shri Kailash Chandra Verma
Address- Village Sirlay Po. Nandia Teh – Badwah-District-Khargone
Name of Bank / Financial Institution – State Bank of India Branch – Badwah
Purpose – Senting Material
Sanctioned loan amount – 2.00 Lakh
Loan disbursed – 2.00 Lakh
Information about Mukhyamantri Swarozgar Yojana- The beneficiary got information about Mukhyamantri Swarozgar Yojana from the seminar organized by the District Trade and Industry Center. After this, he contacted the District Trade and Industry Center, Khargone and on getting the detailed information related to the plan, he prepared a loan case for the purpose of centering and the department recommended the TFC to the State Bank Branch – Maheshwar Road – Badwah. The loan was sacntioned and disbursed to the beneficiary by the bank.
Past status of the beneficiary: – The beneficiary had an income of up to Rs. 1500 / – per month in the past and his household expenses could hardly be managed. He had to take loans for school fees of children. When a member of the family was ill, there was increased burden.
Status of beneficiary after taking loan– I prepared a loan case under Mukhyamantri Swarojgar Yojana and presented it at District Trade and Industry Center, Khargone, which was sent for approval / distribution at State Bank Branch Badwah. 2.00 lakh was disbursed to me by the bank for the ‘Centing Material’, which brought my income to about Rs.30000 / – per month. Now I am regularly paying my loan installment and taking good care of my family.
- श्री दिलीप वर्मा मुख्यमंत्री स्वरोजगार योजना लाभार्थी
Shri Dilip Verma S/O Shri Kailash Chandra Varma Village Sirlaay, Po- Naandiya, Teh Badwah, Distt. - Khargone, Mobile No. - 09926527135