Cucumber cultivation in shadnet house
Farmer Mr. Ramesh’s S/O Shri Umrao mobile number 9977424619 is a resident of village Banher block Bhagwanpura district Khargone. He has a total agricultural land of 1.500 hectares in which crops like cotton, wheat and maize were being cultivated. But he was getting less profit and spending more. In the year 2018-19, with the guidance and grant assistance of the Horticulture Department, a 4000 square meter shadnet house was constructed under the Protected Farming Scheme, in which cucumber variety was planted through Olivia F-1 drip, in which they have about 250 to 275 quintal of cucumber crop. Production received. The cucumber crop was sold at a rate of around Rs 10 to 15 per kg in Delhi, Indore market, in which I received an income of about 4.25 lakhs and after reducing the expenses by 1.50 I got a net profit of Rs. 2.75 lakhs. Wit
- Shadnet House Shri Ramesh Ji – 1
- Shadnet House Shri Ramesh Ji – 2
h the increase in income, the economic situation has also improved by applying horticulture crops technically.
Shri Ramesh S/O Shri Umrao Village Banher, Block Bhagwanpura, Distt - Khargone, MP Mobile No. - 9977424619