Increase in income from VNR Guava cultivation
Farmer Mr. Rajesh S/O Shri Jagdish Patidar is a resident of village of Idaratpura (Chhalpa), block Khargone. His total land is 1.900 hectares, earlier his family used to do traditional farming in which he had to spend more and the benefits were very less. VNR Guava were planted under Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Scheme for the year 2017-18 under the grant assistance and guidance from Horticulture Department. 2100 guava saplings were planted in 1.900 hectare in which 4 lakh 71 thousand rupees were received as grant. Currently, 525 quintal guava was produced from the third year. At Rs. 50 to 75 per kilograms our produce was sold in Delhi mandi, which has earned them 27 lakh rupees. Out of which the net profit has been received from 18 to 19 lakh rupees after deducting the expenditure of 8 to 9 lakh rupees. Presently, 2642 sq meter plastic lining plant has been constructed with the help of the Department of Horticulture. And guava cultivation has been started in the shadenet house.
- VNR Amrud – Shri Rajesh Ji – 2
- VNR Amrud – Shri Rajesh Ji – 1
- VNR Amrud – Shri Nirmal Ji – 2
Mr. Rajesh S/O Shri Jagdish Patidar Village Idaratpura, Block Khargone, Distt. Khargone, M.P. Mobile Number 9753066727