Increase in Chili Production using High Technology
Farmer Shri Ram Singh S/o Shri Umrao Singh Singh is a resident of Ghugharia Khedi block, Goganwa district Khargone. My total land is 2.000 hectares. In the past, my family used to do traditional farming. In which I had to spend more and the benefits were very less. I contacted the horticulture department under their guidance, the chili variety Myco 453 with a drip system in about 1.200 hectares, in which I got about 55 quintals of dry chili production. Which sold about 100 to 120 kg in Bedia chili Mandi. In which I received an income of 6.10 lakh and I have spent Rs 2.20 lakh to 2.30 lakh and the net profit has been Rs 3.80 lakh. After the horticultural crop, my family’s financial condition has become very good. I am getting more benefits from technology farming than traditional farming.
- Chili Hightech Agriculture Shri Ramsingh – 2
- Chili Hightech Agriculture Shri Ramsingh – 1
Shri Ramsingh S/O Shri Umraosingh Village Ghughriyakhedi, Block Gogaon District - Khargone, M.P. Mobile No. - 9755365852