Employment Fair
08/01/2021 - 08/01/2021
शास. स्नातकोत्तर महाविध्यालय, बिस्टान रोड, खरगोन
Employment fair is being organized by District Employment Office, Khargone, from 10:00 am to 04 pm on 08/01/2021 at the PG College, Biston Road, Khargone. Private companies are to be recruited in the fair, so the youths / youths desirous of employment can attend the said fair along with the necessary certificates.
Registration are open at the following link
After the Registration you will be sent a registration Number on 06/01/2021 through SMS. The Last date of registration is 05/01/2021
Please make sure to visit the Employment Fair with all necessary academic and profession documents along with the Registration Number sent to you by SMS.
- खरगौन रोजगार मेला